Jag arbetar ofta på nätterna. Det är sällan som man störs av mail den tiden dygnet. Med undatag för några kinesiska spammail. Men det ramlade in ett mail från hemsidan ca 02:00. Lyssna på detta var budskapet.Jag lyssnar alltid, i synnerhet om det är indiependet.
Le Days var kanske det märkligaste jag har hört. Men fantastiskt. En platta skriven nästan genant privat. Du utelämnas inte från hans personliga texter och perspektiv. Klagande sång, mörka toner plattan skulle kunna vara ett ledmotiv till någon krigsfilm från 1943. Det låter hemskt, tragiskt och melankoliskt. Så hemskt att det blir fantastiskt bra. En helt otippad platta från en ganska anonym artist. Jag bad om en biografi och fick detta
” well, what to say. My name is Daniel and im Le Days, there is words inside cloudes inside my mind about everything, how i started how it ended how it keeps going, but I loose track of time and how to explain. its my soul and i know everything and nothing about it, i started cause i had to, didnt know any place other than this to get everything out, you know people that can live in shadows, that passes behind walls without being seen . in some way Dead people on tape is about that. and at the same time it has nothing to do with that. if you see eyes of people, do you ever wonder whats there story, well some eyes told me stories, some kind of a truthness and they captivated me, i felt myself in there eyes. to sometime just look at people and forget all walls and just listen. all thoose people are inside the book of my cd in pictures. didnt need words.didnt want words more than what is.
ive been working for the album for a long time, i do not compromise with the feeling of what i want inside my head , and it took time, but it was the only way.
this is my words, anyway.
the only i text i felt of writing inside the book of the cd was. and i really the only way of describing something i cant describe
i could tell you something that would blow your mind
i could tell you something like a story that would make you gasp or even think
i could tell you something that would amaze
but then I might not.
Le Days
Dead people on tape “
Knappa in på www.ledays.com så fattar du vad jag försöker beskriva.
Leon Grimaldi
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